Monday, May 15, 2006

Sometime in October 2005 on a pleasant Mumbai night (as pleasant as a Mumbai night can be) I took the 10:22 pm Borivali slow back to work for another harried night of work. To kill the time I rang up Anirban whose number I had recently acquired and talked with him till Bandra. It was more than a decade since I had talked with him. I remembered the school days when we used to sit on the last bench and under the disapproving gaze of teachers and used to discuss such issues as the Gulf War ( now called as Gulf War I) the Reservation issue ( issues have a habit of hogging the limelight in an episodic manner) and of course the religious and caste divide of the country among other things like who has got the best lunch. Well, we passed out of the school and went our ways till that pleasant night (or was it?). We rediscovered our passion about such issues and found that the flame was still there although mellowed down a wee bit. We also discovered that although now there were no disapproving teachers to shout at us there still was this overhanging sense of a constricted feeling in the air which prevented the free discussion of meaningful issues. The prime culprit being the media – both the press and the electronic versions. It is dominated by a sensationalist and commercialized culture and lacks focus on pertinent issues. Then Deepak suggested something: A Community Blog to deal with real issues in an objective manner. So this is it folks

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